Gene & Sue Jackson2023
Paul ('69) & Laurie (Kubas, '76) Steffes
Rod Kleinjan
Debora (Bosch '75) Barros
Chad Glasser ('04)
+Joseph Jordan
Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka ('98)
1972 Boys Basketball Team
Mrs. Jean Haag
Mrs. Arlene Hondl
Mrs. Shirley Lisko
Mr. Steve Glasser
Mr. & Mrs. James and Leona ('65) Odermann
2020 - no Hall of Fame due to COVID-19
Fr. Russell Kovash (’83)
+Morris Martin
2003-2004 Boys Basketball Team
Mike & Kathy (Weiler, ’77) Kiedrowski:
Male Athlete: Mike Privratsky ('72)
Female Athlete: Karen Bergantine-Bolstad ('83)
Coach: +John Butterfield
Team: 2006 "Triple Crown" Boys
Fine Arts: Janel Schiff
Fine Arts: Dr. Kyle Mack
Titans: The St. Anthony Club
Titans: +Wally and +Betty Wald
Titans: The Founding Fathers (Monsignor George Aberle; Father John Garvin; and Father Adolph Pribyl)
Male Athlete: Tom Willer ('76)
Female Athlete: Julie Biel ('77)
Coach: Craig Kovash ('81)
Team: 2001 Football Team
Fine Arts: Jerry Schiff ('81)
Fine Arts: James Wolberg ('95)
Titans: Marleen Schnaidt and +Mary Margaret Wolf
Male Athlete: +James "Jamie" Mueller ('75)
Coach: Randy Gordon
Team: The 1999 Boys Basketball Team
Titans: Fr. Jerome Kautzman
Titans: +Robert and +Cathy Gruman
Titans: The School Sisters of Notre Dame
Male Athlete: Kyle Steffes ('02)
Female Athlete: Sarah (Long) Berry ('01)
Coach: Gregg Grinsteinner ('82)
Team: The 1969 Football Team
Fine Arts: Mitch Kuntz ('74)
Fine Arts: The 1971 Cast of Fiddler on the Roof
Titans: Steve Brannan
Titans: +Robert and +Beverly Weiler
Titans: The +Pete and +Mary Kovash Family
Tom Gerou ('78)
Kris (Fleck, '78) Franzen
Jackie Clarys ('72)
The 1979 Football Team
+Bud and Charlene Faller
+Ken Keller
Emery Koenig ('74)
Monsignor Gene Lindemann ('75)
Jim and +Henrietta Nistler
Doug Huschka ('80)
Bob Willer ('69)